1. Totally European design, streamlined looking,Monoblock,Welded steel frame rigid to deflection moment and high tensile with ST44 A1 material.
2. HS PRESS BRAKE is Equipped with the Estun user-friendly user interface,the E21 provides all main press brake functionality.
3. Automatic tonnage and stroke adjustment for bending angles.Perfect bending results with easy angle input and operation of machine.
4. All tubes are connected by tube insertings to avoid oil lost and burst by welding tubes.
5. Ball screw and line guide was designed to improve precision.
6. E-Z fast wedge clamping was designed to change tools quickly.
7.Safe fence and the electric interlocker have been designed for the machine to ensure the operation safety.

A press brake is a machine tool used in metalworking and fabrication processes to bend and shape sheet metal and plate materials. It is a fundamental tool for forming various metal components used in industries such as automotive, aerospace, construction, and manufacturing.
The press brake operates based on the principle of applying force to a piece of sheet metal to bend it at a specific angle. Here's how it typically works:
Material Placement: The sheet metal or plate is placed on the machine's lower die, also known as the bed or V-die. The upper part of the press brake is called the ram, and it holds the top die.
Backgauge Setup: The press brake may have a backgauge system that positions the workpiece accurately, ensuring consistent bending along the length.
Bending Process: The operator sets the desired angle and length of the bend. When the foot pedal or control panel is activated, the ram descends under hydraulic or mechanical force, pressing the top die against the workpiece. This bending action shapes the metal into the desired form.
Tooling: The press brake uses different types of tooling to achieve various bend shapes. The most common tooling includes V-shaped dies for air bending, where the metal is bent to an angle without bottoming out, and bottoming dies for sharper, more precise bends.
Safety: Press brakes are equipped with safety features such as guards, light curtains, and two-handed operation to protect the operator during the bending process.
Press brakes come in various sizes and tonnages, ranging from smaller machines for light-duty work to large industrial press brakes capable of bending thick and heavy plates. The tonnage of a press brake indicates the amount of force it can apply to the material during bending.
Operators should receive proper training to use press brakes safely and efficiently. Incorrect use of a press brake can result in damage to the machine, workpiece, or injury to the operator. As with any industrial machine, following safety protocols and guidelines is crucial.